Main differences between point-fixed facade and profile facade systems

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Facade systems - Differences

Architects, façade contractors, investors and construction supervisors are getting increasingly aware of the advantages that profile façade systems can bring along for their projects.

Unfortunately, there is still a significant gap in the commonly accessible informational stream and a lot of important questions are still hanging out there, unanswered. One of them is actually crucial for decision-makers - what exactly are differences between the traditional point-fixing sets and systems and the profile façade systems?

Speed, effectiveness, flexibility, sustainability and intelligence are the basic terms defining the projects based on the profile façade systems approach. You can further examine the particular reasons behind these facts in the following few paragraphs.

Principal differences between point-fixed facade and profile facade systems

Every professional who is actively involved in the fields of architecture and construction planning can easily name the widely acknowledged differences between point-fixing sets and systems and profile facade systems.

To put it shortly, point-fixing sets and systems require mounting a console to each separate panel of the building. This process is rather heavy, invasive and generally ineffective, though it was the best we had until recently.

Profile façade systems, on the other hand, consist of specially designed brackets and struts that support cladding panels with different weight, thickness and general characteristics. This technology is a real game-changer when it comes to both process and result optimization. And here is why:

#1 Profile facade systems preserve the original thermal insulation of the building

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Facade systems preserve the original thermal insulation of the building

Keeping the thermal insulation in optimal condition is essential when it comes to the long-term health of any building. As we already explained, profile façade systems have significantly fewer contact points with the panels of the building. To be specific, these are generally one console per four to five panels, or three to four times less compared to point-fixing sets and systems.

What’s more, the structural openings needed for assembling facade systems are usually between 8 mm and 10 mm. In contrast, point-fixing sets and systems require cracks starting from 12 mm and going up to the honestly destructive 50-60 mm. That means up to six times less damage for the original construction and the insulation of the building.

What are the practical advantages of minimizing the interference with the thermal insulation of the building? Here are just some of them, to begin with:

  • Reduced size and number of thermal bridges. Each cut in the insulation automatically means higher thermal conductivity and greater difficulties in managing heat transfer.
  • Improved energy efficiency. Less thermal bridges mean less spilled resources. Some practical tests revealed that profile facade systems tend to reduce energy bills between 30% and 40%. [1] Green business for a green planet, right?
  • The insulation becomes reusable. Yes - when assembling profile facade systems, your insulation will be so unaffected that it will practically be suitable for further use - if and when that's necessary.

Preserving the thermal insulation of the building is undoubtedly among the top priorities of every competent architect and contractor, yet other factors matter equally as much. So, let's keep digging deeper into the advantages of profile façade systems for your project. 

#2 Profile facade systems require a smaller number of dowels to be applied

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Facade systems require a smaller number of dowels to be applied

The reduced number of brackets to be mounted, logically, presumes the smaller total number of dowels to be used for assembling the profile façade systems. This means less impact on the original construction of the building - a factor that leads to several extra perks, such as:

  • Easier installation and dismantling. Profile façade systems require less physical effort and less workforce during both their assembling and their disassembling.
  • Easier rebranding of the building. Nowadays, it's not uncommon for buildings to change their design, their appearance, and even their primary purposes. Rebranding a building with a point-fixing set and system will take tremendous amounts of time, resources and efforts - which is not the case with profile façade
  • Improved resource management. Façade contractors will understand that the decreased number of dowels to be applied will lead to easier time and control management for the entire project. As trivial as it may sound, this type of optimization will actually spare significant resources and will increase the overall value of the design.

Speaking of speed and effectiveness, the truth is that...

#3 Profile facade systems boost the effectiveness of the process and cut on project deadlines

Let us once again remind you that profile facade systems will require three to four times less work to be done compared to point-fixing sets and systems.

For project supervisors, this indicates less administrative issues, lighter control management and easier monitoring. Shorter deadlines and uncomplicated project implementation, on the other hand, will undoubtedly appeal to construction participants on every level - from the investors to the construction workers themselves.

 What is more, when applying profile façade systems, there are fewer things that could go wrong - both during the process and afterwards. Reducing the short and long-term risks of your product is a value proposition that is surely worth considering, isn't it?

#4 Applying profile facade systems improves project flexibility

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Facade systems improve project flexibility

One of the greatest benefits of profile façade systems is having a choice. A choice concerning the design, the adjustment, the arrangement and the forms of your building and its components.

Profile façade systems provide architects and façade contractors with the priceless opportunities to:

  • Employ a more extensive range of attachment options
  • Avoid interfering with critical zones such as angles, corners, windows, bearing reinforcements, etc.
  • Create additional forms, reliefs and entirely independent structures upon the original facade

Façade systems support the assembly of panels of different sizes, materials, thickness and weight. They can be highly customizable to answer the specifics of the project, thus delivering a tailored, lasting and high-quality final result.

Sharing valuable sources about profile façade systems is a must

We believe that the best decision is always the most thoroughly educated one. That’s why our experts are enthusiastic about sharing knowledge, experience and know-how on all matters concerning façade systems and rainscreen cladding.

We provide ongoing consultations for individual projects, as well as theoretical and on-site training for the different participants in the construction process.

You can always call or e-mail us to book your training or stay tuned to the blog to receive ongoing information about façade systems straight from the source.

Кey takeaways:

  • Point-fixing sets and systems require installing a separate console to each panel of the building. In contrast, profile façade systems employ a single console per four to five panels.
  • Profile façade systems produce fewer and smaller thermal bridges, thus improving the overall energy-efficiency of the building.
  • Assembling and disassembling the facade systems require less workforce, thus guaranteeing less administrative concerns, lighter control management and easier monitoring.
  • Profile façade systems provide greater flexibility for facade engineers to avoid problematic areas and create additional forms, reliefs and completely independent structures on the original facade.
  • Rebranding the building and even changing its initial purposes is a lot faster, smoother and easier to manage through the use of façade systems.



Main differences between point-fixed facades and profile facade systems
Principal differences between point-fixed facades and profile facade systems
#1 Profile facade systems preserve the original thermal insulation of the building
#2 Profile facade systems require a smaller number of dowels to be applied
#3 Profile facade systems boost the effectiveness of the process and cut on project deadlines
#4 Applying profile facade systems improves project flexibility
Sharing valuable resources about profile façade systems is a must